High-precision instruments, research and laboratory equipment, measuring instruments and medical equipment are usually extremely sensitive to any kind of even the smallest vibrations (operation of HVAC systems, movement of employees, opening/closing doors, lift equipment and urban transport infrastructure: underground, trains, trams).
Structural noise and vibrations, even at micron levels, can disrupt, for example, the operation of electronic microscopes, introduce significant errors in high-precision measurements, or lead to sample defects on precision machine tools.
The range of sensitive high-precision equipment requiring special vibration protection is very wide. Medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment (magnetic resonance imaging machines - MRI), instrumentation and reference equipment (electronic microscopes), precision test and production equipment, etc.
Considering the high cost of such equipment, as well as the importance of the precise results of research and tests conducted on its basis, the use of vibration isolation systems is indispensable. The wide range of Silentflex® rubber-metal and all-metal anti-vibration mounts below will solve the problem of vibration isolation of any high-precision equipment.
Application of Silentflex® vibration mounts in high precision instruments and lab equipment