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Press machine vibration isolator


The Silentflex® Press machine vibration isolator is a low-frequency vibration mount that has excellent vibration insulating properties and is ideal for any type of industrial press.

The high level of effectiveness of vibration isolation in all mechanical presses is achieved by combining a 100% stainless steel Silentflex® metal cushion with a high-strength metal spring.


Key features and benefits of Silentflex® Press machine vibration isolators:

  • Low resonance frequency, ideal for any type of press;
  • Combine the performance of a high-strength metal spring and 100% metal cushion of stainless steel;
  • Withstand accelerations up to 4g when working in compression;
  • Operating temperature from -100 ºC to +400 ºC;
  • Mounting plates adapted to machine feet;
  • Very wide range of load-bearing capacities;
  • Adaptation of the mount to each particular case.
Scope of application
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