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Double springs with retention

Vibration isolation properties
Static load: 80 - 1 460 kg
Natural frequency: 7 - 9 Hz
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Double spring Silentflex® vibration mounts with vertical retention with a useful life equal to the one of a damped machine. These are low-frequency dampers in the Z-axis and significant rigidity dampers in the XY plane.

These shock absorbers work in compression. Inside each damper spring, there is an anti-vibration metal cushion that provides an elastic retention system in case of accidental dynamic loads or overloads. It prevents the spring and equipment from breakage in the event of excessive back force under load.


Key features and benefits of the Silentflex® double springs with retention:

  • High strength steel springs;
  • Structural steel mounting plates;
  • Elastic element – metal springs with AISI 304 steel metal cushion inside;
  • The useful life is equal to the service life of the insulated equipment;
  • Being 100% metal, withstand the most severe operating conditions;
  • Two-way vertical elastic retention system.
Scope of application
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